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HotS Sprüche

Donnerstag 31. Dezember 2020, 11:57

Seit ein paar Jahren schreibe ich mir auf, was die Kommentatoren bei HotS-Turnieren alles so von sich geben. Ein paar Sachen sind auch durchaus witzig, wenn man das Spiel nicht kennt oder mag ;)

"This is Heroes of the Storm, a massive party at the bush."

"JHow is already still being here."

"I wonder about those Stitches hooks. Is he gonna yank a tank, hurt a bird or free a tree?"
[Das fand ich besonders clever, weil es gegen 2 Tanks, Falstad auf seinem Vogel und Malfurion, der einen Treant beschwören kann, ging]

"Just beat your teammate with a penguin."

"Roll20 has a global advantage because Brightwing is a non-existing global that is global."

"Keeping their lives alive... Er... Yeah, that's usually how I prefer my lives."

"And then of course Genji, because killing people is a good thing... ... ...In Heroes of the Storm!!!"

"In all my years of commentating... I say all my years, that's a total of... one."

"Well exploded, my son."

"Everyone lives with no health."

"...except for the Japanese archer, who is running away like a coward." (Kurze, nachdenkliche Pause) "But a living coward!"

"It's probably good. But it's probably still not very good."

"Sometimes it's about having that control point... control?"

"No, they go for the Lunara. Cool." (Pause, dann völlig verwirrt) "Why though?!"

"You don't need armour when your enemies are dead."

A: "Tychus was the best choice for Ballistix."
B: "But why?!"
A: (brüllt) "Because they couldn't do ANYTHING ELSE!"

"They function similarly, but very, very different."

"He has no waveclear. He can stand there and see minions die, but that's about it."

"He died to a crucial amount of damage that was in excess of his current health pool."

A: "Skogsapor is actually Swedish for 'forest apes'."
B: "Yeah, and Never Lucky is English for 'They have really good luck'."

"He bravely ran away."

"It's a 5 vs 5... Make that a 4 vs 5 as Muradin gets..." (kurze Pause, dann verdattert) "Alived?!"

[im Interview] "I don't really have a question for you. Just keep talking. It's funny."

"It's a deadly charge, and it has been deadly. He charged them and deaded them."

"Talouf is low on the left side, and everyone else is low on the right."

"If it ain't broke, keep killing them with it."

"This end right here won't actually end."

[Die Teammitglieder werden normalerweise nach dem Muster "(Spieler) on (Charakter)" vorgestellt]
"On the left hand side, we have Legacy on... pause."

"They've played a lot of heroes so far, but their winningest heroes are..."

"My literal analysis at this point was: Yeah. It's Qhira. She's a hero."

"They were too far forward and didn't respect the crowd control of Crowd Control."

A: "Guesswhoiam [ein Spielername]... Guess where he is. He's respawning."
B: "He's everywhere."

"Deathwing is just a big piñata. Hit him and XP falls out."

"Countering the double soak with an even double-er soaker."

"He solo-kills Deckard with two people helping him, so I guess probably not a solo kill..."

"There's a situation going on everywhere."

"He just took a couple of 10,000 points of damage."

"If it wasn't my job to talk, I'd be speechless."

"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to being 3:0'd by Crowd Control."

A: "Are you reading this from somewhere?"
B: "Yeah, from my brain."

A: "You can't give Medivh over to Hosty because you don't give Medivh over to Hosty."
B: "And why not? Because you don't do it."

"Oh! Kure! Does he have... things? Yes, he gets away with the thing."

Donnerstag 31. Dezember 2020, 11:57

Re: HotS Sprüche

Donnerstag 31. Dezember 2020, 13:46

HelixApothecari hat geschrieben:"If it wasn't my job to talk, I'd be speechless."

Fühle ich. Passt öfters zu meinem Unterricht. Werde ich nächstes Jahr mal klauen :D

Re: HotS Sprüche

Montag 8. Februar 2021, 20:23

Mal wieder ein paar gesammelt :D

"He came, he saw, he died. Veni, vidi, GG."

"He's playing a farming simulator where the enemy team is the crops."

"[Muradin] might fall. Should fall. Will fall. Doesn't fall."

"His only form of engage is disengage."

"Don't let your memes be dreams."

"That said: 'We don't just want to win, we want to hit them so hard that their ancestors say ouch.'"

"You charge in there and suddenly you're a dog. Or a cupcake."

"This is a good map for Hogger because it's a map."

"Oh my goodness, do they even have health bars?"

"...and a lot of damage coming out on Unaverted who is able to avert that."

"This is not the best map for [Nova], the best map being none of them because I never want to see her again."

"Dragon Arrow... exists... and Deckard does not."

"Here comes Deathwing... He almost helped."

Re: HotS Sprüche

Montag 10. Mai 2021, 07:40

"They have two counters to Hogger: Percentage damage and banning him."

"It depends on which level 16 he picked. Is it the one that is unpronounceable, or is it the purple one?"

"How do you... What is... What am you?!"


"Bodyblocking is the strongest form of CC in this game."

"The members of Juan Direction have no health, but nobody told them."

"The last axe is donated to Sonya's face."

"...and story time with Uncle Deckard. Uncle Grandpa? Uncle Grandpa. That's a thing now. Mister Doctor Uncle Grandpa."

"ACA are running just a team of nope buttons."

"The keep can be a honey trap for some bees... Actually, that's not how bees work."

"Sometimes you just wanna take some free damage."

"They can't use the rest of the Dragon Knight, so Onyx bravely run away."

"...as BadBenny gets... very CC'd."

"I'm not sure why Lauber reengaged. Maybe there was a miscommunication issue." - "Miscommunication, like, the team is like 'Retreat!' and Lauber is like 'No!'"

"Is it really first blood if you take Leoric down or is it more like first calcium?"

"THis is a little surprising, because this is a map and Lúcio is good on maps."

"The score is now German denial since we have this 9 - 9 in takedowns."

"Jia getting out of mana... and out of health. That solves the mana problem."

"You said they are on a roll? Maybe we should call them butter."

Re: HotS Sprüche

Freitag 27. Mai 2022, 21:22

Neue Saison, neue Sprüche!

"Apparently Mascarade did a really good job of holding down Q on Tomb of the Spider Queen."

"Do you see the G in the Simplicity logo?" - "If you rotate it like this and I close both my eyes, I can definitely see it."

"Johanna has Unstoppable. - 'Yes, but can you walk through walls? Made of zombies?'"

"Is this a good idea?... It is an idea..."

"We kinda forgot how to win after losing so much."

"...so he will be permanently visible for a few seconds."

"Meanwhile, first blood, second blood, and Masonblaze gets away... dead."

"I did the math, Medivh lost 43 stacks." - "Yeah, and Oxygen lost 3 maps."

"If you're watching the solo lane battle on the minimap and wondering what's going on there: Nothing."

"Towers of Doom is one of those maps that create a need for therapy."

"I started playing Sylvanas after last weekend, and it went really, really well. I lost every single game with her, but I don't think it was because of me."

"Lauber has one mode, and that is 'go'."

"It was a 1 versus 1 with just one person helping him."
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