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Sprüche "Hollandrunde" (2009)


Sprüche "Hollandrunde" (2009)

Beitragvon VincentWeynard » Donnerstag 5. Januar 2017, 19:16

Anna - Azila Azilasunyara (aranische Medica)
Samy – Spielleiterin; Shahane Amirata Taladueira (Tsa-Geweihte)

Samy: “Your patient doesn’t wake up.”
Azila: “I try to think of unconventional methods... I tickle her.”

Anna: “I’d like to ask ‘what happened’, but I don’t know whether that’s too rude. I mean, she’s a Tsa deont, right, and I have to respect her?”
Samy: “I think if a deont randomly steps out of your cupboard, you are allowed to ask ‘What happened?’”

Azila: “As I just told you, which you probably don’t remember...”
Shahane: “I do remember! Why would you think I don’t remember it?”
Azila: “You seem... chaotic.”
Shahane: “What? I’m not chaotic! Who says that?”
Azila: “It’s the pixies, right?”
Shahane, meekly: “...maybe...”

After mysteriously appearing in Azila’s cupboard and being fascinated by all sorts of random things (curtains, patterns on the wall...), Shahane randomly walks into the kitchen as they are on their way out.
Azila, slightly annoyed: “Are you hungry?!”
Shahane, looking around the kitchen happily: “No.”
Azila: “Then we should leave. This way!”

Azila remembered that she left her sleeping colleague alone with the sleeping patient, and runs back upstairs to notify him of her absence.
Azila, poking him: “Wake up!”
Colleague (NPC): “Mäh.”
Azila: “Wake up! *pokes him more*”
Colleague: “Mäh. *opens one eye*”
Azila: “It’s an emergency!”
Colleague: “Mäh. *startles, jumps up* Emergency!!!”

Shahane: "Don't you also look at random things on the street?"
Azila: "No. I only look for symptoms in people I pass on the street."
Shahane: "Have you looked for symptoms in me?"
Azila: "Maybe."
Shahane: "What did you find?"
Azila: "...overexposure to pixies."

Anna grabs Samy’s big toe. “Oh. I thought it was a dice.”

Anna, desperately: “But I’m smart! I’m supposed to know how to do this!”

Anna: “I could be totally evil and check out a receipt or something. *elaborates on it* … But that’s not something I would do.”

Anna: “My brain is working. [one minute later] No, actually it’s not.”

Samy: “Okay, you passed the Human Nature test. [randomly] Now you can take a bathroom break.”

Samy: “You see something rainbow-colourey shimmering behind a tree.”
Anna: “I didn’t imagine trees being there.”
Samy: “Me neither, but for lack of something sophisticated to hide behind, it’s a tree.”

Samy: “She seems to be a bit scared because she didn’t understand 90% of the words you just used.”

Azila: “Then I just go into the tailor shop.”
Samy: “A tailoring, not a tailor shop. They don’t sell tailors there, I think.”

Tailor (NPC): "The Twelve be with you."
Samy's cat immediately wakes up, reacts, jumps from the bed and looks at everyone expectantly.

Pharmacist (NPC), shocked upon discovering that they know about her secret affair with Azila's colleague: “Did he tell you?”
Azila: “No. *looks around* But everyone else did.”

Samy: "And she says: It is a difficult situation and [Samy notices that her cat is interested in her drink] stay away from my coke!!!"
Azila: "What's coke?"

Azila upon finding a Tsa novice that has been kidnapped and drugged by her uncle: “Do you remember your name?”
Novice: “Yes. But since your gamemaster was too stupid to think of a proper name, I don’t know.”
Azila, happily: “At least you don’t have a concussion.”

Azila brings the novice to Shahane: “So here is the nameless one... *stops* No, not the nameless one, the person with no name...”

Colleague, when Azila returns to find him sleeping instead of watching the patient: “I watched her! All the time!”
Azila: “With your eyes closed?”
Colleague: “Yes.”
Azila: “What did you see then?”
Colleague: “My eyes. You know, from the inside.”
"Wir sind die Maraskaner. Sie werden adoptiert werden. Widerstand ist zwecklos."
"Borbarad ist nicht der Zorro von Aranien!"
Sergeant // Profiheld
Beiträge: 362
Registriert: Mittwoch 4. Januar 2017, 00:11

von Anzeige » Donnerstag 5. Januar 2017, 19:16


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