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Tabletop 8th Edition

Samstag 27. Mai 2017, 08:16

Hier mal eine gute Zusammenfassung, was so alles kommen wird + kommen könnte:,000_8th_edition

Klingt teilweise echt interessant, teilweise echt schräg...
Will auf jeden Fall testen, wenn es soweit ist. :D

Enthält auch Fluff Changes.


1d4chan hat geschrieben:tl;dr

In spite of the edition (and inevitable meta) shake-up, the life cycle of Warhammer 40,000 goes on.

* Powergamers are actively trying to break the system before it even comes out. For their part, the game designers claim they play-tested the shit out of 8th so that it isn't a broken mess (like 7th Edition), and specifically referred to stuff like deathstars as loopholes to be plugged, so they may yet evade (or at least slow down, because who are we really kidding?) powergaming.

* The unification of the statline and the general trend to simplification is also going to mean that finding numerically optimized weapons and units is going to be much, much simpler.

* Neckbeards are raging over the "dumbing down" of the rules before most have even been revealed. This is ignoring the fact that 7th edition is a broken bloated mess with so many different special rules, random charts, cheesy formations and supplements that it's almost impossible to keep track of what's what anymore. On the other hand, AoS is dumbed down to fuck compared to Warhammer Fantasy, and what we know of the new rules is certainly showing a trend of shaving off detail (e.g. template removal). Time will tell whether or not they actually have a point when we get a look at the whole system.

* Tournament Players are rethinking their lists since their 7th Edition "decurion formation detachments" are now invalid.

* Garagehammer guys are still in the garage doing their thing.

* Narrative guys are making their own rules and "forging a narrative", now aided by the "Narrative Play" option.

* Lorefags are raging about the Primaris Marines and terminal case of even more silly nounverbers and dog-Latin names replacing established ones for obvious copyright reasons

* The general player base is stuck in the crossfire from the shit-flinging of the Neckbeards and Tournament players.

* Overall, GW's claims that this will be the best edition yet are beginning to seem like they might actually hold up, or, at the very least, there's clearly more work and effort being put into trying to make it better than it has been in a very long time.

Samstag 27. Mai 2017, 08:16

Re: Tabletop 8th Edition

Samstag 27. Mai 2017, 08:48

Für mich siehts bisher nach AoS40k aus was bisher so rauskam und das brauch ich nich haben denn wir haben schon ein AoS und ich muss sagen die Regeln find ich mehr als fragwürdig.

Klar die 7. Edition is jetz auch nich das gelbe vom Ei aber in meinen Augen dennoch besser, da dort mehr taktisches Verständnis gefordert wird. Durch das Entfernen der Ini im Nahkampf geht da ne Menge verloren an Überlegungen.

Re: Tabletop 8th Edition

Samstag 27. Mai 2017, 11:14

Habe mir grade noch das hier: angesehen. Gegen Ende kommt auch was dazu, ob das zu sehr AoS wird oder nicht.
Lohnt sich, das Video komplett anzusehen.

Ich werde mir auf jeden Fall erst eine Meinung bilden, wenn ich ein paar Spiele mit den Regeln durch habe. Da sind so viele Änderungen drin, dass man das mMn sonst auf keinen Fall einschätzen kann.

Re: Tabletop 8th Edition

Samstag 3. Juni 2017, 10:23

8th Edition:
Full Review:
Battle Report: Chaos vs. Imperium 2000 pts
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